Mid Season Update

It’s hard keeping up with the virtual world when the the real world is so uncompromising about appropriating all your time. But it’s time to take a breather and assess what the height of the season looks like before we are once again thrown into the nadir of deepest December somnolence. So far so good, as long as labor woes are not counted as legitimate complaints. (Those will be stored for winter fodder when there’s nothing else worth griping about.) What better way to show the progress of the season than with a few pictures, worth more words than I am will to pen at this point.
kelsey's garden
Kelsey’s Garden in full bloom.
The Pepper Field
The Onions that Kelsey and Leah planted
the Leeks that Kelsey and Leah planted.
Kelsey's garden
If only Kelsey were hewer to enjoy her flowers.
Corn and Squash
The Corn and Squash which Kelsey and leah planted.
Corn_Squash02 Corn_Squash01
Tomatoes before the blight

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